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Nashville is full of celebrities and lots of "celebrities are just like us" moments. With the Bobby Bones Show in Nashville, they often have lots of run-ins with artists or celebrities out in the wild. Everyone shared a recent moment they saw a celebrity out living their normal life.
It all started after Abby saw Kane Brown at Dick's Sporting Goods this weekend with his whole family. She said the store was so busy, but he was just there living his life and checking out some items. No one was bothering him and she didn't go up to him or take any pictures. Eddie sees Eric Church at his kids' sporting events all the time, but he isn't wearing his sunglasses so most people don't realize it's him. Eddie doesn't pretend like he knows him, but he often tells the other parents that it's Church since no one picks up on it. Amy saw Nicole Kidman hiking again the other day, she had seen her a couple months ago at the same place. She has also seen Keith Urban on the same trail, just not with Kidman.
Morgan saw Ryan Hurd at a Mexican restaurant just drinking at the bar with some friends. She also ran into Abby Anderson at the DMV, they were both there getting their licenses renewed. Mike D sees Scott Stapp at the gym all the time, they workout around the same time but Stapp is often there for multiple hours, Raymundo said he saw Allie Colleen and Eric Dodd, they stopped by his house to hangout and the show game him a hard time because he's friends with them rather than it being celebrities in the wild. Bobby said if that counts, he just had a Beatle, Ringo Starr, hanging out at his house to do The BobbyCast.