Seems to be the biggest conversation around the water cooler today. So what do you think?
The U.S. military launched 59 cruise missiles at a Syrian airfield late last night in direct response to it's government's chemical attack on civilians earlier in the week.
The attack has now pushed the U.S. further into the Syrian conflict and closer to a potential confrontation with Russia, which backs Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. Russia's President Vladimir Putin called the missile strikes "violations of the norms of international law, and under a far-fetched pretext." He also called for an immediate meeting of the U.N. Security Council.
The Syrian government has also condemned what it called U.S. "aggression." According to unverified reports from Syria's state news agency SANA, the airstrike killed nine civilians near the base, including four children.
President Donald Trump said he ordered the attack to "end the slaughter and bloodshed in Syria. And also to end terrorism of all kinds and all types.” He added, "We ask for God’s wisdom as we face the challenge of our very troubled world. We pray for the lives of the wounded and for the souls of those who have passed and we hope that as long as America stands for justice then peace and harmony will in the end prevail." The strikes were launched from two Navy destroyers in the Mediterranean. (USA Today)
Soooooo Let's Talk About It:
Though around 64% of Americans are saying they appreciate the strong and decisive position from our President striking in response to Syria's chemical attack, saying it was the right move to protect innocent civilians.
Others now worry the U.S. has to now worry about how Syria might respond. It also has to worry about how Russia might respond.
Also, the missile strike also sends a message to North Korea that any aggression from them will result in a similar U.S. response.
The Pentagon says Russia, which has personnel on the ground in Syria, was alerted prior to the attack.
Syrian President Assad responded to the attack saying, "What America did is nothing but foolish and irresponsible behavior, which only reveals its short-sightedness and political and military blindness to reality." (NY Post)
Sound off! What do you think?