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Meet Isa from Oklahoma, the newest Gerber Baby!
The baby food company announced its new "Chief Growing Officer and Spokesbaby" on Wednesday (May 4), according to the Today Show. Isa is the first Gerber Baby with a limb difference — she was born missing part of her right leg.
Isa's parents, Meredith and John, were surprised live on the Today Show on Wednesday. "We are completely ecstatic. This was such a big surprise. Whenever you enter your child in a contest like this, the expectation is that someone looks at her picture, so this is incredible and we are so happy," Meredith said.
Meredith continued to share her excitement about her daughter's news. "Isa is a strong, amazing little girl that loves to interact with the world around her and nothing will stop her. Her smile lights up the room and her laughter is irresistible," she said.
Isa was born with Congenital Femoral Deficiency and Fibular Hemimelia. Meredith opened up about finding out Isa would be born without a femur or fibula in her right leg when she was 18 weeks pregnant. "Before she was born in September of 2021, we knew Isa was special, and she has shown us that every day since she came into our lives. While the world around us seeks to embrace individuality and uniqueness, we hope that awareness for limb differences will lead to greater inclusion for children like Isa," she said.