A recent reddit thread asked people to share the moment that made them think, "Wow. I'm old."
Lot of people said it was when they stop being asked to show ID for alcohol. Here are some other "moments":
- "Someone who was born in 2001 applied to work at my store the other day. I almost cried."
- "Checking into a hotel and observing that the lobby was jammed with collegiate cheerleaders in town for a competition. FIRST thought: 'Crap, they're going to be noisy.'"
- "When my 16-year-old brother told me, 'I don't do Facebook – it's where all the old people are.'"
- "When I realized 1997 wasn't 5 years ago but 20."
OK, let’s hear it ... What moment made you think “Wow. I’m old”
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